My Quarto Journey

Grace Accad

What is Quarto?

  • Quarto is an open-source publishing system for data science and technical content.
  • It supports R, Python, Julia, and ObservableJS.
  • Used for reports, presentations, blogs, books, and more.

Quarto VS R Markdown?

Feature Quarto R Markdown
Multi-language Supports R, Python, Julia, ObservableJS Primarily R
Flexibility Built-in support for Jupyter Notebooks R Markdown only
Output Options PDF, HTML, Word, Reveal.js, more Limited to R Markdown formats
Markdown Uses Pandoc Markdown for portability Uses R-specific Markdown

Sheffield R Survey Visualizations

September 2023

What made this project special?
- Used {googlesheets4} πŸ“Š to read data directly from Google Sheets
- My first project in Quartoβ€”I was still a beginner!

Sheffield R Website

  • The website was already built using Quarto
  • I contributed by creating posts
  • It was my first experience working with Quarto websites
  • I learned how easy it is to write, format, and publish content using .qmd files

Folk Singing Dashboard

My Turning Point with Quarto

  • Started this project using {flexdashboard} πŸ“Š
  • Right as I was working on it, Quarto released its own dashboard format
  • Decided to convert my project to a Quarto dashboard

## Teaching: Python & R
### The Game-Changer: HTML Live Extension
- In September, Quarto introduced HTML Live, an extension that allows you to run R and Python side by side on a website.
### Website
::: text-center :::

Staff Survey Report

  • Generated some graphs inPython

Finally: These Slides πŸŽ‰

  • Link to Slides

Future Plans:

  • Try out book option

Thank You!

  • Questions? Let’s discuss!